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エステートからレーダー・オンラインへの書簡本文 (2019/2/9 16:35:42)
私たちはエステートより、貴ウェブサイト、レーダー・オンラインがオンラインのいたずら者によるハッカー被害に遭い、完全に馬鹿げた記事を掲載しているらしい事実について警告するように依頼を受けております。特に私たちが言及しているのは、2019年2月6日午前9:30に掲載された記事、「Michael Jackson’s Body May Be Exhumed As 11 More Sex Assault Victims Come Forward(11人の性的暴行被害者が名乗り出たためにマイケル・ジャクソンの遺体が掘り起こされるかもしれない)」についてです。この記事がハッカーによるものではなく本物であると私たちに思わせる唯一の事実は、「レーダー・スタッフ」という記載です。当然ながら、このような屑同然の明らかなウソに満ちた記事に個人名を署名する者などおりません。
もちろん、この記事には事実は何も書かれていません。同記事は悪意とウソであることが明白な記述に満ちています。もし、ファクト・チェックの担当者がいれば・・・この記事を鑑みるに率直に言って担当者がいるとはとても信じられませんが・・・その担当者は即座に解雇すべきです(私たちは貴殿に法的アドバイスを送ることはできませんが、解雇する絶好の口実ができたものと私たちは考えます)。貴殿のファクト・チェックについて私たちが言える唯一の「救い」は、同記事における主張はあまりに馬鹿げているため(おそらく)同記事は「事実を記述しているとは合理的に理解されない」ということでしょう。(Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 57 (1988))
■Re: Puported Radar Online Artice re “Exhumation of Michael Jackson”
We are counsel to the Co-Executors of the Estate of Michael J. Jackson, as well as
various wholly-owned entities which own intellectual property and other intangible rights associated with the late Michael Jackson (collectively the “Estate” or the “Jackson Estate”).
The Estate asked me to alert you to the fact that your website, Radar Online, appears to have fallen victim to a hack by online pranksters who are posting utterly ludicrous articles on it. In particular, we refer you to the “article” that appeared on your site at 9:30 a.m. on February 6, 2019, entitled Michael Jackson’s Body May Be Exhumed As 11 More Sex Assault Victims Come Forward.
The only thing about the article that struck us as genuine?and not a hack?was the fact that it was attributed to “Radar Staff.” No individual, of course, would attach their personal name to such a trashy article full of obvious lies.
In the very unlikely event that this article was indeed a genuine article by “Radar
Online,” could you please ask your “source” when Mr. Jackson’s body will be exhumed? As the successors to Mr. Jackson’s legal interests, the Estate’s representatives were surprised no one told them about this unusual development. We see that the source is identified as “an insider”?can you let us know what asylum he is inside?
Likewise, the article refers to an “army of shell-shocked victims” with “at least 11 new victims who claim they were molested and even raped by Jackson.” We are shocked that the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office?which spent over a decade on a virtual jihad against Jackson trying to prove that he was a molester without success, because he was not?never found this “army of shell-shocked victims.” Perhaps your source?the “insider”?should start working for law enforcement and finding real child molesters.
The article continues that “Radar has also learned the FBI was accused of covering up evidence that Jackson was a sex trafficker!” It continues that “Secret files obtained by Radar show a journalist claimed in 1993 that a starstruck FBI official ‘did not pursue the allegations because Jackson was to receive an honor at the White House.’” The article states that Mr.Jackson was at one time being considered for prosecution under “the White Slave Traffic Act” yet “[d]espite the claims of witnesses who saw him smuggle a 12-year-old across America by train, the U.S. Attorney dropped the case.” These are shocking accusations of government misconduct indeed.
Of course, nothing in the article is true. The article is full of maliciously and provably
false statements. If you have fact-checkers?and, frankly, we find that hard to believe in light of this article?they should be fired on the spot. (We cannot offer you legal advice, but we believe you have good cause for terminating them.) The only “redeeming” thing we can say about your “fact checking” here is that the assertions in your article are so absurd that the article (perhaps) might not “reasonably be understood as describing actual facts.” Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 57 (1988).
In closing, it is not our usual practice to tell persons in other professions how to do
their jobs, but we will make an exception here. May we suggest that you try something different in the future and talk to real, sane, and credible sources? If you had any modicum of credibility left, you would retract this ridiculous “article.” We hereby demand that you do so. We understand that your business is failing, but perhaps it would be doing better if you stopped publishing this ridiculous garbage.
One final point, and lest there be any doubt, nothing stated in this letter should be
construed to waive any of the Jackson Estate’s rights and remedies in connection with this article?all such rights are expressly reserved.
Kindest regards,
Jonathan Steinsapir
Source: MJOnline,The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™/MJJFANCLUB.JP