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ブロードウェイのマイケル・ジャクソン:”MJ The Musical”の主演は"Ain’t Too Proud”でトニー賞ノミネートのエフレイム・サイクスに (2019/11/26 0:42:47)
しなやかな足さばきで主役を食い、"Ain’t Too Proud”でトニー賞にノミネートされたエフレイム・サイクスは、別のジュークボックス・ミュージカルへと飛躍する。来夏、ブロードウェイで開幕する”MJ The Musical”に主演するのだ。
彼はブロードウェイで6作品に出演している。最初は“The Little Mermaid”の群舞ダンサーの交代要員。そして、“Hamilton”ではレギュラー・キャスト。そして“Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of the Temptations”ではリードシンガーのデヴィッド・ラフィンを演じる主要キャストだ。
“MJ the Musical”はマイケル・ジャクソンの功績に対する逆風にさらされた。彼の功績は少年に性的虐待を加えたという疑惑の再燃によって傷を負ってしまった。しかし彼がアメリカ史上最大のポップ・アーティストの一人であるという評価は変わっていない。すなわち、いたるところで彼の音楽を耳にするし、彼のファンの土台は強固だ。そしてこのミュージカルを担当するプロデューサー陣は、シカゴでのプレ・ブロードウェイはキャンセルしたものの、ブロードウェイでの開幕に向けて前進という断固たる決断を下した。
今月初め、ニューヨークでの8週間のワーク・セッションが終了した。サイクスは夜の“Ain’t Too Proud”への出演をこなしつつ、キャスト陣を引っ張った。このセッションは3度目の、そして最後の作りこみセッションだった。脚本家陣は5月にスタートするリハーサルへ向けて素材の仕上げを行う。
ソロやジャクソン・ファイブ時代の有名な楽曲を多数フューチャーしている本作には名高い制作チームが編成されている。脚本は、ピュリッツァー賞を二度受賞している脚本家のリン・ノテージ。監督と振り付けは、”An American in Paris”でトニー賞を受賞したイギリス人ダンサー/振付師のクリストファー・ウィールドンだ。
「MJ the Musical」はブロードウェイのニール・サイモン・シアターにて、7月6日にプレビュー公演が開始され、8月13日に公演スタートとなる。
■ Broadway’s Michael Jackson: ‘Ain’t Too Proud’ Star Ephraim Sykes
The Tony-nominated performer will lead the cast of “MJ the Musical,” which is scheduled to open next summer.
The Michael Jackson musical has found its King of Pop.
Ephraim Sykes, a limber-legged, scene-stealing, Tony-nominated performer in “Ain’t Too Proud,” will jump from one jukebox musical to another when he stars in “MJ the Musical,” which is scheduled to open on Broadway next summer.
Sykes, a 34-year-old from St. Petersburg, Fla., is a gifted dancer who was trained at the Alvin Ailey/Fordham University B.F.A. program, toured with the Ailey II company for two years, and this year was named the outstanding male dancer in a Broadway show at the Chita Rivera Awards, which honor dance in theater and film.
He has appeared in six Broadway musicals, beginning as a replacement member of the ensemble in “The Little Mermaid,” and he was a member of the original Broadway cast of “Hamilton.” In “Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of the Temptations” he has his first major role, portraying David Ruffin, who was one of the group’s lead singers.
“MJ the Musical” arrives at a challenging time for the pop singer’s legacy, which has been tarnished by renewed allegations that he sexually abused young boys. But he remains acknowledged as one of the greatest American pop artists ever; his songs continue to be ubiquitous and his fan base intense, and the musical’s producers, after canceling a pre-Broadway run in Chicago, have determinedly pushed toward a Broadway opening.
Earlier this month the production finished an eight-week work session in New York, with Sykes leading the cast during the day while continuing to perform in “Ain’t Too Proud” at night. It was the show’s third and final developmental workshop; now the writers will revise the material in anticipation of rehearsals starting in May.
The lead producers are Lia Vollack and the Michael Jackson Estate. Vollack, who previously headed Columbia Live Stage, the theatrical division of Sony Pictures Entertainment, recently formed her own production company; Columbia Live Stage and Sony Music, which was Jackson’s longtime record label, remain investors in the musical.
The show, which will feature many of Jackson’s best known songs, both as a solo artist and as a member of the Jackson 5, has a highly regarded creative team: the book is by Lynn Nottage, a playwright who has twice won the Pulitzer Prize, and the show is directed and choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon, an English ballet dancer and choreographer who won a Tony Award for “An American in Paris.”
Nottage and Wheeldon said earlier this year that they were wrestling with how best to represent the complexities of Jackson’s life and legacy in the show, which is set in 1992, as Jackson was preparing for a tour to promote his “Dangerous” album. Since that interview, the show has declined to offer any specifics about whether and how the musical might reference the abuse allegations or other issues that have complicated how Jackson is now viewed.
“The production is not commenting on the content of show as it is in development,” said a spokesman, Rick Miramontez.
Audition notices suggest that, in addition to the adult Jackson, anticipated characters include Jackson at age 10; Jackson in his late teens and early 20s; a female documentary filmmaker and journalist; Jackson’s father Joseph, and Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown.
“MJ the Musical” is scheduled to begin previews July 6 and to open Aug. 13 at Broadway’s Neil Simon Theater.
Tracking the Michael Jackson musical
Source: nytimes.com