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Leaving Neverland: エステートの声明、エミー賞ノミネートについて (2019/7/21 2:11:09)
アメリカでのエミー賞ノミネートの発表に関連して多くのファンの皆さんからメッセージをいただいています。テレビ芸術科学アカデミーによるクリエイティブアート・エミー賞に、恥ずべき一方的中傷、「Leaving Neverland」がノミネートされたことについての怒りと失望は私たちも同様です。
ご存知の通り、エステートは、「Leaving Neverland」の二人の中心人物による誤った告発からマイケルと彼が遺したものを守るために多くの時間と費用を費やしてきました。彼らが法廷で失敗してHBOにこの件を持ち込んだ時、私たちは相当の時間と費用をもって迅速にHBOに対する訴訟を起こしました。訴訟は現在も続いており、世界中の注目を集めています。HBOはこの訴訟を重大なものとして受け止めています。
加えて、私たちはハーバード大とUCLAで開催された公開セミナーに参加し、「Leaving Neverland」の著しい偏向について焦点を当てました。これはメディアでも大きく報道されました。私たちは数多くの公式声明を発表してマイケルを弁護し、「Leaving Neverland」に関わる人々の動機だけでなく、もはや自分では弁護できない者に対する裏付けのない根も葉もない訴えを拡散する信用できない嘘つきと制作者を支持することを選んだ人々の動機に対しても疑問を投げかけました。
サンダンス映画祭でのプレミアとHBOでの放映の後、「Leaving Neverland」のウソがいくつか暴かれました。エステートやファンの皆さん、海外やアフリカ系アメリカ人向けメディア、そして一般の視聴者までもが、信ぴょう性とジャーナリズムの品位が欠けていることを暴く穴を映像の中に発見しています。自らの作品制作にあたり公平性というジャーナリズムの基本をことごとく冒とくした傲慢な監督の問題点を明らかにし続けることが私たちの最善の策です。利己主義的な”受賞”が、反対の立場の側を避けるという彼の決断の正当性を実証することにはなりませんし、ファクトチェックを怠ったことを正当化することはありません。時間経過の穴を埋めることもないし、マイケル・ジャクソンや関係者の名誉を傷つけた無謀さから免責されるわけでもありません。
■Statement from the Estate of Michael Jackson about Emmy Nominations
Hi #MJFam:
The Emmy Nominations are not only a blow to the credibility of the awards, but to journalism everywhere. The Estate has received a deluge of messages regarding the nominations, expressing concern from the fan community about the effect this will have on Michael’s legacy. The Estate shares the following message with you.
We have heard from many fans in connection with the recent announcement of Emmy nominations in the US. We share your outrage and disappointment that the disgraceful one-sided smear Leaving Neverland was nominated for potential Creative Arts Emmys by the Television Academy.
As you know, the Estate has spent years and considerable sums defending Michael and his estate against false allegations made by the two subjects of Leaving Neverland. When those individuals took their case to HBO having thus far failed in court, we wasted no time in filing a major lawsuit at considerable time and expense against HBO that remains active, attracted worldwide attention and which HBO has taken very seriously.
We also participated in public seminars highlighting the egregious bias of Leaving Neverland? at both Harvard and UCLA ? which were covered extensively in the media. We have issued numerous public statements defending Michael, calling into question the motivations not only of the participants in the film but also the motivations of those who would choose to support the discredited liars and filmmaker who spread uncorroborated, unsubstantiated claims against a man who is no longer here to defend himself.
As we have indicated in prior statements, there are and will continue to be things that we do behind the scenes (including support offered to Taj Jackson), most of which will never become public. We recognize that in our unique position we must be thoughtful in whatever actions we take given that we are dealing with a network, filmmaker, plaintiffs’ attorneys and, in some cases, hostile media who are looking to seize on anything we do to advance their agendas and create publicity for this film. While we share the anger those who love Michael feel, we nonetheless must continue to balance our passion to speak out, against what best serves Michael’s legacy and not give those who wish to destroy him the excuse and opportunity they are looking for to try to further denigrate him. We know this is not what the fans want either.
As far as these specific Emmy nominations are concerned, as you may have noticed the media has actually given very little attention to them. So while we can confirm that we informed the Academy of our views regarding the absurdity of nominating for any award four hours of propaganda built on provable lies, it is important to keep in mind that, while not emotionally satisfying to restrain ourselves from speaking out publicly, we don’t want to do anything to effectively aid HBO, the filmmaker and the subjects of the film in seeking to promote this movie in any way. That includes aiding this and other self-serving campaigns they undertake for potential awards nobody will even remember who won a year or two from now.
After screening at Sundance and then playing on HBO, several lies were exposed in Leaving Neverland. The Estate, fans, foreign and African American media and even everyday viewers found holes in the film exposing its appalling lack of credibility and journalistic integrity. Our best course is to continue to shed light on an arrogant director who violated every basic journalistic standard of fairness in making his movie. No self-serving “award” will ever validate his decision to avoid anyone with a counterpoint of view, nor will it ever justify his inexcusable failure to fact check, fill the gaping holes of his timeline or absolve him for recklessly disparaging the reputations of Michael Jackson and others.
HBO’s reprehensible participation in disparaging Michael’s reputation by financing and supporting this infomercial has been frustrating for all of us over the last several months. But we are committed to protecting and preserving Michael’s incredible legacy. HBO and the film’s director were hoping they would mute Michael Jackson. They didn’t. No nominations or potential awards will change that.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank the fans for all of the time, energy and, in some cases, money you have invested in the defense of Michael. You can be assured that we are aware of those efforts and genuinely appreciate everything you do to support Michael and his legacy.
--- The Estate of Michael Jackson
The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™ / MJJFANCLUB.JP