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「Leaving Neverland」訴訟第一ラウンドはHBOの勝利 (2019/5/31 23:29:04)
「Leaving Neverland」(マイケル・ジャクソンによる児童性的虐待疑惑を詳述するHBOのドキュメンタリー)は現在公開法廷となっている。先週の審理を受け連邦裁判所は、本件をすみやかに仲裁に回すよう要請したマイケル・ジャクソン・エステートの動議を棄却する決定を木曜日に下した。
エステートは、3月3日に「Leaving Neverland」が公開される直前にHBOを提訴した。原告は、ジャクソンのアルバム「Dangerous」のリリースを受けたコンサートのテレビ放映について、その権利をHBOに与えることとなった27年前の契約に存在する批難禁止条項に同ドキュメンタリーが違反していると主張している。しかし、実はエステートは公開での訴訟を望んでいない。その代わり、契約にある仲裁条項を発動し、アメリカ仲裁協会以前に、ロサンゼルス上級裁判所で決着をつけることを狙っていた。
これに対し、HBOは裁判の舞台を州からカリフォルニアの連邦裁判所に移した。HBOは、エステートの法廷闘争を、故人に対する名誉棄損の判例を回避することによる「ドキュメンタリーに対する明白なネガティブ・キャンペーン」であると特徴づけ、「Leaving Neverland」に適用される有効で強制力のある合意事項は存在しないと主張している。さらに踏み込んで、1992年の契約を持ち出すことは、適正な法手続きの権利および憲法修正第一条に抵触するとも主張している。
つまり、判事は、仲裁問題について追加の状況説明をするよう両者に指示している。今後数か月は、両者が1992年の契約の意味について精査することになる。その後、ウー判事が仲裁の見通しについての新たな裁定を下す。HBOが勝利の場合、「Leaving Neverland」がマイケル・ジャクソンに損害を与えたかどうかは検討する必要がないとされる可能性が高い。
■HBO Wins First Round in Michael Jackson Estate's 'Leaving Neverland' Lawsuit
A federal judge refuses to let an arbitrator determine jurisdiction in a controversy over whether the documentary disparaged the late pop singer.
The dispute over Leaving Neverland, HBO's documentary detailing alleged child sex abuse by Michael Jackson, will stay in open court for now. Following a hearing last week, a federal judge on Tuesday decided to reject a motion from the Michael Jackson Estate to immediately throw the case to an arbitrator.
The Michael Jackson Estate sued HBO shortly before Leaving Neverland premiered March 3. The plaintiff alleges that the film constitutes a breach of a non-disparagement clause in a 27-year-old agreement, one that provided the pay network with rights to air a televised concert following the release of Jackson's album Dangerous. But the Michael Jackson Estate doesn't actually wish to litigate in open court. Instead, Jackson's heirs invoked an arbitration clause in that old deal and aimed to get a Los Angeles Superior Court judge to compel a showdown before the American Arbitration Association.
In response, HBO had the case removed from state to federal court in California. Characterizing the Michael Jackson Estate's whole legal endeavor as a "transparent effort to bolster their publicity campaign against the documentary" by skirting legal precedent against posthumous defamation claims, HBO denied there was any enforceable agreement that hadn't expired and actually covered Leaving Neverland. The AT&T subsidiary further argued that any over-reading of the 1992 contract would violate both its due process rights as well as the First Amendment.
From there, the parties fought a battle inside the larger legal war to resolve the question of where the dispute would be adjudicated. While the issue of forum may seem like a boring procedural issue, it has the potential of determining the entire case because if the arbitration provision is inoperable, so too likely are the confidentiality and nondisparagement clauses that provide the basis for claims by the Michael Jackson Estate.
HBO argued that under the Federal Arbitration Act, the federal judge had to decide the "gateway issues of validity and arbitrability." Such analysis would turn, according to the network's lawyers, on whether HBO clearly and unmistakably manifested an intent back in 1992 to have an arbitrator determine jurisdiction. HBO also brought up old rules (since amended) by the AAA with respect to the invocation of jurisdiction.
The Michael Jackson Estate framed such arguments as "classic tautology," opining in a court brief that "it assumes the very conclusion that HBO wants an adjudicator to reach in this dispute, i.e., that there are no remaining obligations under the Agreement."
U.S. District Court Judge George H. Wu doesn't see clear and unmistakable evidence regarding arbitration. He's both denied motions to remand the case back to state court as well as compel arbitration.
That represents an initial win for HBO.
That said, the judge is directing the parties to deliver supplemental briefing on the issue of arbitration. The next couple of months will have the two sides exploring the meaning of that 1992 deal. Wu then will come to a new decision about the prospect of arbitration. If HBO wins, it likely won't have to even get into the issue of whether Leaving Neverland damaged Michael Jackson.
Source : Hollywood Reporter